
Jacqueline Hen (1989) is an artist and - literally - a space designer based in Cologne, Germany. Through spatial interventions, she creates places of social interaction and transformation. Performative elements meet installative arrangements. Through her artistic practice in physical and virtual living environments, she explores how spatial concepts and architectural elements affect social interaction. She studied Visual Communication as well as Spatial and Experience Design at the University of the Arts in Berlin and at the Art Center College of Design Pasadena. This yielded works such as „Light High“ for which Hen was awarded the International Light Art Award by the Centre for International Light Art in Unna, Germany.

Research and science play an important role in her practice and career: Hen worked as a research associate at the Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation Berlin (2014-2016), focusing on process design and the development of interactive holographic interfaces. During her tenure at the Academy of Media Arts (KHM) in Cologne, from 2017 to 2023, she taught design basics and founded the exMedia Lab - a structural element of the KHM for socio-technological research and aesthetic experiments – together with Verena Friedrich and Karin Lingnau. Since 2023, she has been a professor for artistic-experimental design principles at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden.

Jacqueline Hen has participated in international exhibitions including Hamburger Kunsthalle, SoShiro Gallery London, Forma Lighting Milan, Centre for International Light Art Unna, EVI LICHTUNGEN Hildesheim, Digital Education Center Chengdu, and Villa Nomad Zurich. She has collaborated with brands such as Porsche and Samsung. Her works are represented in the collections „Collected Light“, „Amsterdam Light Festival“ and more.

Art Fairs
Installation shots